What’s the Best Time of Day to Take a Probiotic?

Is there a best time of the day to take a probiotic? Can probiotics be more effective in the morning, before you eat your first meal of the day? Is it better to take them in the afternoon in preparation of dinner? Or maybe it is in the evening before bed, so it can work while you sleep.
Many articles have been written about whether a probiotic can travel more effectively to the gut on an empty stomach or with a meal. Some experts say taking a probiotic on an empty stomach, either first thing in the morning or right before going to bed, is best. They say it is somewhat akin to “sneaking it through” while the stomach pH levels are lower and there is decreased digestive activity.
Other experts will refute that. They say allowing the stomach acids to concentrate just on a single probiotic is akin to going into battle with one soldier, without any supporting “troops.” They believe that taking a probiotic with a meal provides a buffering system for the supplement and ensures a safer passage into your intestines. These experts will argue that the meal also provides the CFUs (colony forming units) in your probiotic with the proper nourishment they need to survive. This helps them multiply once they take residence in your gut.
Still others have research that says taking a probiotic at higher pH levels ensures better survivability.[1]
So, Who is Right?
Turns out, there is not a “bad” time to take a probiotic. This is correct as long as the delivery capsule is of sufficient integrity to withstand stomach acid activity en route to your digestive tract. A proven delivery system that gets the CFUs to your gut will withstand the journey any time of day. This includes on an empty stomach in the morning, with a hearty meal at lunch or dinner, or during the period right before you go to bed.
Probulin’s patent-pending MAKTrek™ 3-D Probiotic Delivery System is just such a system, “enrobing” probiotic bacteria in an extract of Brown Seaweed (Lessonia nigrescens) called complex marine polysaccharides. If the probiotic bacteria come in contact with stomach acid, the complex marine polysaccharides form a secondary internal capsule, a “seaweed submarine,” and protect the living probiotic cells from the acid.
The seaweed does not break down when in contact with stomach acid like capsules do. Thus the proprietary, patent-pending process buffers the journey of the probiotic all the way to the digestive tract, ensuring it maintains its viability.
But What is the Absolute Best Time to Take a Probiotic?
Probulin believes the time period 1-2 hours before going to bed is the optimum time to take a probiotic. This is due to the simple fact that there is less digestive action during sleep. During sleep, your parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, favoring blood flow through your enteric bloodstream. This enhances absorption of products “breaking down” in your digestive tract. Because of this, the probiotic may have a less chaotic journey to your gut, and it will enjoy a calm yet thriving environment once it arrives.
Until next time, “Be Well and Stay Healthy”!
[1] http://www.optibacprobiotics.co.uk/faq/at-what-time-should-i-take-probiotics