MAKTrek 3-D

MAKTrek 3-D

4 Keys To Choosing a Probiotic

There are hundreds of probiotics available to consumers today, and there are some key differences among brands. It’s essential to make informed choices when selecting the best probiotic products for you. Here we’ll look at 4 important criteria you can use to help you select the highest quality and most beneficial probiotic products on the…

MAKTrek 3-D

Why Does the MAKTrek® 3-D Delivery System Make a Difference?

The health benefits of probiotic bacteria are manifold. They rebalance gut flora, boost the immune system, reduce the severity of some gastrointestinal challenges. But to perform these vital functions, health-promoting bacteria must arrive alive and healthy in the gut. This is no small challenge, considering the extremely acidic and hostile environment of the upper digestive…